
Interview with the manager: check out practical strategies to do well

During the recruitment process for a job vacancy, the candidate goes through several stages: tests, assessments, conversations with HR until the dreaded interview with the manager. However, this stage does not need to cause concern or nervousness, and the key to success is to prepare.

Therefore, in the following article we explain how this interview stage with the manager works and what strategies to use to stand out and land the job you dream of. Keep reading!

1. What is the interview stage with the manager like?

The interview with the manager is the moment for you to have initial contact with the department you are applying to. At this stage of the  selection process , the team leader will assess whether your profile and professional history are ideal for the role.

The goal of this step is to align the expectations of the position with your experiences and perspectives regarding the new job. Therefore, it can be a more in-depth conversation, in order to revisit your professional potential, success stories, challenges, technical and interpersonal skills, among other issues.

So, be prepared: do some research on the manager and the company in advance. It is important to have knowledge, even if basic, of the organization’s area and niche. These points can certainly be considered when evaluating your organizational fit  during the interview with the manager.

2. Common manager interview questions

Each conversation can be conducted in a different way: some leaders like to hear about your hobbies, while others are only focused on understanding how you improved in your previous projects.

But, in general, there are some recurring questions in interviews with managers. Here are some of them:

  • Tell us more about yourself;
  • What made you leave your last job?
  • How do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Why are you interested in working with us?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • How do you receive feedback and criticism?
  • What is your biggest challenge?
  • Name three defects and what you have done to correct them.

It is important to be prepared to  answer difficult questions in the interview  with the manager, as this is a filtering stage in which you can gain advantage points by doing well on them. Therefore, keep your answers clear and objective.

3. Strategies to demonstrate your value to the team

So, what can you do to stand out in your interview with the manager and  show that the team will benefit from having you on the team ? Below, we have listed five strategic points for you to positively attract the attention of the leadership:

1. Speak with confidence, clarity and honesty

A golden tip for all stages of the selection process and other situations in life is: no one knows more about you than you do. So, communicate confidently about your trajectory, achievements, goals, skills and projects. But to do so, avoid arrogance and bring real, practical and positive examples to support your explanation.

Also, be honest about admitting something that didn’t go so well, but quickly present an alternative that you have already solved or are trying to develop. Articulate clearly and assertively, avoiding beating around the bush. After all, recruiters value objectivity and responsibility.

2. Share your expectations

This is the time for the manager to assess your profile for the position, but also for you to identify whether that role or company aligns with your expectations. Therefore, given the openness,  share what you expect from the position , the department, the leadership and the company.

Score issues such as career plan, financial stability, possibility of professional development and any other points you consider important.

At this stage of the process, it is also common for a salary proposal to be presented, so go armed with a  salary expectation , compatible with your experience, and be willing to have a negotiation conversation, if necessary.

3. Listen carefully and demonstrate communication skills

Practice active listening, listen carefully and with interest to everything the manager has to say during the interview. If given the opportunity, revisit points mentioned by the recruiter in your answers, articulate well and demonstrate that you know how to communicate effectively.

4. Highlight your professional achievements that are compatible with the position

Whether it’s for a job opportunity in your field or a career change,  highlight the skills and professional achievements that are related to the position  you’re applying for. It’s worth highlighting your  soft skills  and strategic thinking more than your previous role activities.

Show your leadership how you can be used on the team and what you can contribute to it. If you are looking for a leadership position, bring up situations in which you had to manage, plan and monitor the activities of others, for example.

5. Ask relevant questions

Part of creating a productive dialogue in a job interview is asking pertinent questions about the position, industry, operation, and company. This shows that you care and are interested in the organization.

As you can see, the strategies are not a script for the interview, but  guidelines for making a good impression on the manager . This way, your chances of performing well in the selection process increase.

4. Mistakes to avoid in the interview with the manager

When interviewing with a manager, it is common to feel nervous or be surprised by a question that was not planned. For these and other situations, it is necessary to keep in mind some habits or answers that should be avoided in the conversation.

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