
Confused? See how to choose a career!

If you are undecided about which career to pursue after the Entrance Exam , this post is for you! After all, we know that, at this stage, it is normal to feel that uncertainty and the pressure of making such an important decision for your future. There are strategies that can make your choice easier and help you find a path that really makes sense for your life.

First of all, remember: no choice is permanent. Many people start their degree with an idea and, along the way, discover new passions and redirect their paths. And that is completely natural!

The most valuable thing at this time is to invest in self-knowledge — the more you understand your preferences , interests and goals , the greater the chances of making a choice that will make you feel fulfilled.

How can self-knowledge help in choosing a career?

Self -knowledge is super important for both your career and your personal life . If you understand who you are, what you like and where you want to go, it becomes much easier to make choices, right? But of course, it is not always easy to reach this level of self-knowledge .

To do this, some practices can help. Try to ask yourself all the time: what are the options that exist? What subjects do you like the most?  In addition, it is important to reflect on your purpose: where are you now? Where do you want to go?

Seeking professional support is also a great idea. A psychologist or therapist can help you discover your core strengths and use them to your advantage when choosing the right path for you.

How to align your skills with the ideal course?

Did you know that you can also use your own skills to align yourself with the ideal course? First of all, get to know the courses available for you to choose from. This is super important to understand what you really want to pursue and evaluate which of the options make sense for your life and your purpose.

Another thing that helps (a lot!) in choosing a career is talking to people who are already taking the course you are considering. This way, you can better understand the curriculum, the market expectations, find out what the person thinks about the course, what the biggest difficulties were at the beginning and how they overcame these challenges.

What to consider when choosing a career?

There are some points to consider when choosing your career , regardless of your niche. Among them, we highlight:

  • consider the job market demand, understanding more details about hiring professionals in this area and identifying which ones have the most opportunities both today and in the future;
  • do some research on the long term, because, as we said, it is important to understand the future, evaluate the current number of students and whether the market will be able to absorb all the professionals who are about to graduate in the area;
  • look for opportunities for volunteer work, so you will not only be able to talk to other professionals, but also experience what the day-to-day life of the profession is like in practice to analyze whether it really makes sense with your skills and competencies;
  • balance passion and practicality , as it is important to choose an area that you enjoy and that aligns with your goals, but it will not always be practical to take a course like this. If you are looking for a course related to the study of oceans and marine animals and you do not live on the coast, for example, you need to understand the feasibility of this;
  • evaluate the course curriculum to understand whether it really makes sense with the subjects you most enjoy studying and that you had the most affinity with at the time of the Entrance Exam;
  • understand whether your best grades really match what universities consider “ strengths” in their scores .

How to deal with pressure and anxiety during the process?

Feeling anxious is normal. After all, this is a turbulent time in life that involves a lot of responsibility. However, being too anxious can affect even some of your simple daily activities.

Here are some precautions that can be taken to avoid this problem:

  • take care of your diet and choose to consume products that give you more energy, avoiding very heavy foods;
  • do stretches during the day;
  • avoid thinking too much about the subject and try to relax;
  • seek emotional comfort with the people you love most;
  • be careful with bedtime;
  • do physical exercise constantly.

What did you think of learning a little more about how to choose a career in the Entrance Exam? As we have seen, it is very positive to analyze what you really want for your life and what you want to do as a qualified professional. This way, the chances of doing well increase considerably, not only from a financial point of view, but also for the quality of life and well-being in your profession.

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