10 tips on how to behave in a job interview
When you decide on your career path and the college you will attend , you begin the path that will lead to the fulfillment of your professional life. It is during college that internship and job opportunities begin to appear.
We’ve given you tips here on how to write your resume. And when the recruiter selects you to participate in a selection process, it’s time to do well! But do you know how to behave, what to say, and how to answer questions during your interview? We’ve selected 10 tips given by various recruiters and we’re bringing them to you now!
1 – Be punctual
Although this is a basic item, it is worth reinforcing. It is essential to plan to arrive at the scheduled time for your interview. However, if something goes wrong or something unexpected happens that will prevent you from arriving at the scheduled garden, let them know as much in advance as possible. This attitude shows respect for the interviewer, and will certainly be valued.
2 – Show interest
This is essential to doing well in an interview. So, always try to have all the information you need about the position offered, the organization, its products and services, and any other information you think is relevant. The Internet is always a good source of research. Browse the company’s website, look for its profile on social media, and start thinking about what you can contribute positively, as this may be a question your recruiter will ask.
3 – Pay attention to your clothing
A job interview is very different from getting ready for a night out or a happy hour with friends. So, pay attention to the company dress code (a type of dress code) that companies have. When called for a job interview, choose the right clothes, always trying to fit in.
Dress pants and shirts for men, and dress blouses, knee-length skirts and discreet shoes for women are always good choices. Another very important tip is to avoid wearing too much perfume or very strong fragrances.
4 – Be honest and don’t lie
This rule applies to everything in life, and a job interview is no different! Don’t try to exaggerate or lie about any information. In addition to being risky, you may end up contradicting yourself. The interviewer is usually trained to notice this type of maneuver, which can affect your credibility.
Honesty is another very important tip! Don’t invent skills that you don’t have, nor talk about professional experience that you haven’t acquired. Lying during the selection process can harm you in the future, especially if you are going to take on a position that you are not prepared to perform.
5 – Talk about your career, your passions, but don’t talk too much
It may seem contradictory, but we’ll explain it better: show the recruiter examples of how you work, how you solved a certain problem in the company, and what results you generated. This will give them an idea of your professional behavior.
It is also common for you to be asked about your passions and motivations. This is a way of measuring what motivates you to move forward. So, mention some of your passions and how they can positively influence your performance at work.
Even if the interview is relaxed, avoid talking too much about yourself. This type of behavior can make you overexpose yourself, taking the focus off the interview, and can create an image of self-centeredness, which will give the interviewer a bad impression.
6 – Don’t hide your defects or limitations
We are not perfect beings. We have limitations, like any human being. Therefore, during the interview, do not try to pass yourself off as someone without flaws. This is authentic proof that you are not being honest. When talking about your limitations, talk about what you have done to overcome them. After all, in addition to honesty and sincerity, it will show that you know yourself and strive to be a better person every day.
7 – Monitor your body language
The body speaks (there is even a book on this subject: “The Body Speaks: The Silent Language of Nonverbal Communication”, by Pierre Weil. Body language says a lot about you. For example: Keeping your arms crossed can show that you are afraid; remaining restless, constantly fidgeting with your hands or hair, is a sign of insecurity and anxiety.
So, keep your posture straight, make eye contact with the interviewer, greet him/her with a smile and don’t cross your arms. It’s best to maintain a neutral and calm expression.
8 – Your Social Networks Say a Lot About You
Nowadays, it has become common for companies to search for candidates’ profiles on social media. This can happen before or after an interview. Therefore, having a good image on social media is essential. It is worth remembering that all of your online behavior can be evaluated (the language you use, the content of your posts, among others).
9 – Ask relevant questions
In most interviews, the recruiter will ask you if you have any questions you would like clarified. At this point, demonstrate your interest and knowledge by asking a well-structured question. This can help you stand out throughout the process.
10 – Do not discuss points of view with the interviewer
The purpose of an interview is to get to know your professional profile, not to participate in a round table discussion about football or politics, for example. If this happens, demonstrate your position politely, precisely, with clear examples and known references.
This tip is important because, when proposing this discussion, the interviewer may just want to test your temperament and emotional control. Small details can decide whether you are hired.